Saturday, April 16, 2011

Michael Holden's All ears

'The bloke who trained Flipper's involved in raising awareness now. I guess he blames himself'

In a nearby sandwich shop, simple transactions are elevated to byzantine levels that would startle the wildest financiers. Waiting for one such process to resolve, I listened in on a couple eating breakfast and reading out-of-date Sunday magazines.

Man (holding out magazine) "Seen this?"

Woman "What is it?"

Man "Dolphins."

Woman "I can see it's dolphins. Why are they in there?"

Man "Blood dolphins. Dolphins taken illegally from the wild, sold on to dodgy parks."

Woman "What's the point of that."

Man (like a world-weary detective) "Follow the money. People pay to swim with them."

Woman "I'd pay not to. I don't see the attraction."

Man "People think they're smiling. But they're not."

Woman "What does it say about it?"

Man "The bloke who trained Flipper's involved in raising awareness now. I guess he blames himself."

Woman "It's like Jaws in reverse."

Man "It's organised criminals."

Woman "There wouldn't be any money in it if people didn't buy into the idea of them smiling, and that bobbing about with them offers some mystical bond with nature."

Man "It's about raising awareness."

Woman "Of the fact that people are stupid, or that the dolphins are unhappy."

Man "Both."

Woman "Well, we asked for the bill and it still hasn't come. Do you think you might raise some awareness of that?"

Man (forcing a smile, like a part-time dolphin) "Alright." © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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